
Chief Executive Officer

Nick Clark

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As Chief Executive Officer, Nick is responsible for leading all of the activities of the Housing Association as well as its subsidiary companies within the wider Ore Valley Group. Nick previously led and continues to manage the team that looks after our broad range of commercial, renewable and sustainability projects and developments which in turn interface directly with our local communities in a number of ways.


Development and Asset Manager

Julie Watson

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Julie Watson is the Development and Asset Manager looking after our existing homes and their maintenance and also our pipeline of new build developments.  

Technical Coordinator

Cheryl Hall

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Cheryl is the Technical coordinator. Her role is overseeing and coordinating our capital and refurbishment projects. 


Repairs and Maintenance Advisor

Andrea McDonald

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Andrea is part of our Devleopment and Asset team.

Dave Roberts

Finance Director

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Dave is our Finance Director overseeing all parts of our finance function across our group of companies.

Finance Assistant

Kerry Curtis

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Kerry is a Finance Assistant at Ore Valley Housing Association.


Finance Assistant

Alison Wilson

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Alison is part of our finance team.


Housing Manager/Deputy CEO

Colin McInnes

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Colin has 20 years experience in housing and moved into his current role as Housing Manager at Ore Valley Housing Association in 2008. 

In 2019 Colin also took on a Deputy CEO role at OVHA.  

In addition to this new role Colin has overall responsibility for ensuring that our Housing Team deliver high quality frontline housing services for our tenants and other service users. 

Colin works with our tenants, service users and other partners to improve the services that we provide and is also currently Chair of the Fife Housing Register Management Group.


Senior Housing Officer

Tommy Braid

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Tommy is our Senior Housing Officer and has worked within the Housing Management Team since 2008 dealing with Voids, Allocations, Rent Arrears, Neighbour Disputes and Estate Management.


Housing Officer

Kittaya Sung

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Kittaya is a Housing Officer within the Housing Management Team. In her role she helps tenants find a home, deals with any rent issues, manages empty properties, and sorts out any neighbourhood disputes.


Housing Officer

Ryan Doyle

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Ryan is a Housing Officer within the Housing Management Team dealing with Voids, Allocations, Rent Arrears, Neighbour Disputes and Estate Management. Ryan is in his third role at Ore Valley having spent 18 months working as a Modern Apprentice in the Corporate Support Team before moving into the Housing Management team in 2014 as a Housing Trainee and then Trainee Housing Officer.


Housing Officer

Elaine Dunlop


Elaine is a Housing Officer in our Housing Management Team.


Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Officer

Danielle Porteous

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Danielle is the Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Officer at Ore Valley Housing Association. It is her role to help tenants maintain their tenancy and live independently. 


Tenant and Community Engagement Officer

Victoria Murdoch

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Vicky leads on our tenant engagement activites and supports the wide range of activities we undertake to support our communities.


Housing Services Advisor

Megan Sneddon

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Megan supports our Housing Team and the delivery of our property-related services. 


Housing Services Advisor

Amanda Wilson

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Amanda is part of our Housing Management Team In her front line role, Amanda helps us to deliver a high standard of customer service for our tenants.


Corporate Support Manager

Maryjane Elder

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Maryjane is our Corporate Support Manager. Her role is to help deliver services in governance, performance, HR, customer service and complaint handling.


Corporate Support Advisor

Steffy Smith

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Steffy is part of our Corporate team, handling calls and customer enquiries and also our wider corporate activities.

Euan Smith

Customer Service Assistant

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Euan is part of our Corporate Support team, handling calls and customer enquiries as part ofo ur frontline service.


Lorna Gilmour

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Lorna is our cleaner and caretaker. 



Corporate and Sustainability Assistant

Jordan Rodger

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Jordan Rodger works within both the team looking after the offices and tenants of the Business Centre and Miners Institute and our frontline customer service team.


Enterprise and Sustainability Officer

Ruxandra Cazan

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Ruxandra is part of our Enterprise and Sustainability team leading on our commercial and renewable projects.
