Ore Valley Housing Association’s CardenEden Project was set up to support our local community and encourage a sense of unity and promote positive mental health and well being. The aim of the project was initially to encourage the community to come together and maintain identified green spaces throughout the village.
These spaces include our community planters that have already been a success with members of the public growing fresh produce that can then be shared with the rest of the community.
The next phase of the project includes our two Horticultural Mentors - Jo and Lewis, who are here to help further the project and provide support and knowledge to members of the community who are interested in gardening.
Due to the recent social distancing we have come up with a more imaginative way to keep in touch with our community by creating a new web site. This will be updated regularly with a variety of content including starting your garden from scratch, step by step guides on how to grow your own vegetables, zero waste gardening, composting and re-purposing waste items into planters. To support these there will also be step by step video guides.
The content for this website is inspired with the community's mental health in mind, to help people through this time of self isolation and uncertainty, guides such as 'creating a sanity garden' and monthly jobs to keep you busy outdoors have been written to help.
If there is anything that has not been covered so far that you are interested in let us know by email or leave a comment on one of our videos.
Supporting our local community is at the front of everything that we do and to remind everyone that they are not alone and we are here to help however we can.
Remember to keep an eye on our website and social media for new content, or if you have a google account like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
See the links for access to our current content and remember to get in touch if there is anything you want us to cover, we would love to hear your feedback.
Please email us at :
Table of Contents -
CardenEden - vegetable and Flower Guides
CardenEden - how to Start and care for your Garden
CardenEden - Gardening on a shoestring
CardenEden - Gardening for your metal health
CardenEden - Monthly Gardening Jobs
CardenEden -Gardening for kids