Our Board
The Board Members are all volunteers who are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation and making sure it has the resources to achieve this. They employ staff to manage and deliver the Association's services and are responsible for monitoring the quality and impact of the services provided.
How we appoint board members
Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), however in between these meetings Board members can be added as casual vacancies onto the Board, but they must then be elected to the Board at the next AGM. Our Board can comprise up to a maximum of 15 members and meets around every 4-5 weeks with no meetings scheduled in January or July.
Experience and training
We know that our Board members bring a wide range of knowledge, experience and strengths to our Board, especially when they are members of our communities . This is why we are always looking for such people to join our Board. Do you live in the communities we serve? Are you interested in being on a Board, if you answer yes, please contact us so we can discuss what is involved.
Committees and other groups
We also have a separate committee that reports to our Board: The Finance, Audit & Risk Management Committee. This committee meets every 3 months. Some board members also sit on a subgroup called the Board Development Group, which is involved in Board recruitment and overseeing how each committee and the Board report to one another. An ad-hoc Recruitment sub-group is also convened when necessary.
Who sits on these boards and committees?
We currently have 9 Board members of which 2 are Ore Valley tenants and we would love to see more tenants on the Board. To offer tenants a greater idea of what we do, we have started to get in regular contact with interested people on a variety of issues including reporting, estate management and customer service.
If you are interested in helping us either by sharing your views on different matters or becoming a Board member, please call the office on 01592 721917 and we would be happy to explain a bit more about this to you.
OVHA Board Meeting Minutes
John Flynn

Board Member from 16.05.17
Chairperson of Board.
Tom Dougan
Board Member
Board Member from 20.01.13
Chairperson of the Finance, Audit and Risk Management (FARM) committee.
Tom Allan
Tenant Board Member
Board Member from 10.09.96
Shanana Beattie
Board Member
Board member from 20.6.23
Laura Millar
Board Member
Board member from 20.6.23
Caitlyn McCowan
Board Member
Board member from 20.6.23
Andrew McDaniel
Board Member
Board member from 19.4.22.
Amanda Hay
Board Member
Board member from 18.6.24
Bill Banks
Board Member
Board member since 15th October 2024.