Anti-Social Behaviour

You, those living with you, and your visitors, must not harass or act in an anti-social manner to, or pursue a course of anti-social conduct against any person in the neighbourhood. 

  • Anti-social behaviour is when someone is acting in a manner that is likely to cause alarm, distress, nuisance or annoyance to any person in the neighbourhood.

  • The behaviour has to have happened more than once.

  • If you are in danger or if you, your visitors or another member of your household is the victim of a Hate Crime contact the Police and let us know as soon as possible.

You, those living with you and your visitors must not:

  • Make excessive noise, this includes but is not limited to, the use of televisions, speaker systems, radios, musical instruments and tools used for construction, maintenance or decoration.
  • Fail to control pets properly or allow them to foul or cause damage to other people's property
  • allow visitors to your home to be noisy or disruptive
  • Vandalise or damage our property or your neighbour's property
  • Leave rubbish in unauthorised areas
  • Allow you children to cause nuisance or annoyance to other people by failing to exercise reasonable control over them
  • Harass or assault any person in the house, or neighbourhood, for whatever reason.  This includes that person's race, colour or ethnic origin, nationality, gender, sexuality, disability, age, religion or any other belief or status.
  • Use or carry offensive weapons
  • Use or sell illegal drugs 

If you are being adversely affected by anti-social behaviour you can report this to us:

  • using our online Contact Us form.
  • Alternatively, you can report the problems you are experiencing in person at our main office in Cardenden or over the phone on 01592 721 917.  

Further information about dealing with anti-social behaviour from neighbours or others is available from Shelter Scotland.