XL Bully Dogs in Scotland - The Rules

Keeping a pet can offer significant benefits to their owners and our Pet Policy aims to encourage and promote responsible pet ownership.
  • 23 May 2024
  • Community and Neighbourhood

Our Pet Policy states that dogs owned or cared for by our tenants must be kept under control or be on a lead in public places and communal areas.  Dogs listed under the Dangerous dogs Act 1991 may not be kept or cared for in our properties and this restriction now extends to the dog type known as XL Bully. 

We have revised our Pet Policy to confirm that this restriction is subject to applying for a certificate of exemption by 31 July 2024 to legally keep the designated dog type XL Bully.   

If you have concerns about a stray, abandoned or out of control dog of any breed, report it to safercommunities.team@fife.gov.uk or by phoning 03451 55 00 22 and they will work with the Police if they think the dog is an XL Bully. 

If a dog is dangerously out of control in any place (for example, bites or attempts to bite a person or seriously injures or kills another animal) this should be reported immediately to the Police by calling 101.

If you would like to discuss this matter in more detail, please contact our Housing Team on 01592 721917.